Disrupting Obesity
The Disrupting Obesity podcast is for anyone who’s looking to lose an extreme amount of weight and change their relationship with food so they can keep the pounds off. If you’re tired of feeling judged for being fat, of excluding yourself or being left out, and using food to comfort, reward, and cope with your emotions and the day to day, don’t waste time beating yourself up. You absolutely have what it takes to lose a significant amount of weight naturally in a way that you can sustain and that will ensure you keep the weight off too.
Hosted by Charlotte Skanes, a weight loss coach who lost and is keeping off over two hundred pounds, this show will give you the strategies and mindset you need to drop the weight. It’s going to encourage you and motivate you so that you can build the confidence and self-belief to find the healthiest version of yourself. It’s not about the food. It’s about your relationship with food. Once you start to change that relationship you can start disrupting obesity.
Disrupting Obesity
074 Ask Whatever XXIII - 9 More Questions I've Been Avoiding
Continuing with the theme of 9 and last month’s Ask Whatever, this month I will also be answering 9 more questions I’ve been avoiding from my always growing list of listener questions! However, just because these are ones I haven’t touched on yet, that doesn't mean there are “bad” questions! So don’t hesitate to send me a question through my website or a direct message on instagram, even a question you think someone has already asked! Today we’ll be diving into everything from my thoughts on protein intake, to tips for eating out when traveling, to a super fun GFY Gladys question surrounding kindness. Join me in hearing more about the exact questions below!
1. How important is protein intake?
2. How did you manage to control the portions you eat?
3. What do you eat out when on the road?
4. What did you eat for dinner in the beginning?
5. How do you properly calculate calories for a deficit and maintaining?
6. Something you wish you knew that would have made weightloss quicker?
7. Good For You Gladys Question of the Week!
8. TDEE calculator accuracy?
Nothing about this is easy, but I hope my answers can encourage you to push through the hard stuff! I’m so grateful for all of you that are here! So keep trying, keep tracking, don’t be intimidated and don’t give up. You’ve totally got this!
My Youtube Channel: Subscribe Here! @DisruptingObesity
LIVE Webinar Replay Sign-Up
Last Month’s: 070 Ask Whatever XXII - 9 Questions I've Been Avoiding
068 9 Things I Wish I'd Known Before I Lost Weight
069 9 Favourite Weight Loss Tips
071 9 Ways to Make it Easier
073 9 Ways to Maintain Your Weight Loss
Looking for help on your weight loss journey? I’ve created a couple of resources:
• My NEW Membership Community!
Join HERE: https://charlotte-skanes.mykajabi.com/disruptor-our-community
• My Immersive Weight Loss Experience: The Program
• My Cookbook 'Disruptor'
• My Free Guide ‘Getting Started for the Last Time’
• My Weight Loss Workbook Disruptor, find anywhere in the world through Amazon by searching “Disruptor Charlotte Skanes”.
• 'Get Started For The Last Time' LIVE Webinar Replay Sign-Up